Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook


An injury to a student which occurs on school property, no matter how trivial, must be reported immediately to the classroom teacher or building administrator. Injury report forms are available in each administrative office and should be completed and forwarded to the Principal's office within a twenty-four hour period by that staff member to whom the injury was first reported. The school has a legal responsibility to maintain accurate files of these reports and to share them with parents when requested to do so.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she may want to check into the Health Room located in the Main Office. Students must bring a pass from the teacher and report to the secretary before signing into the Health Room. Students are allowed to remain for twenty (20) minutes only. They will be expected to return to class at that time or parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to make arrangements for the student to leave school. Students who fail to sign in or out of the Health Room will receive an unexcused absence for that hour.

If an injury or illness makes it necessary for the student to leave the building before the end of their scheduled school day, the student will be expected to check out from the Attendance Office so that parents may be notified.

The school will accept the judgment of the parent and/or physician as to when a student is able to return to school after a serious illness or injury. In cases involving casts, crutches or other mobility devices, it is understood that the school will take reasonable precautions to ensure student safety. Permission to leave class early because of a mobility problem, (crutches, walking cast) must be approved by the Assistant Principal. In cases of highly contagious or serious illness, the school will require a note from a physician before re-admittance is approved.


The State of Michigan has established laws relating to medication to be taken by a student during school hours. If you must take medication during the school day, it will be necessary to provide written permission from a doctor or parent to the Assistant Principal. The school will not administer any medication unless special arrangements have been made. The high school staff is not permitted to administer any long term prescription medication to students without prior written approval from a parent and their physician. This includes, but is not limited to, Ritalin or any other medication that needs to be taken for longer than ten consecutive days. Forms will be provided in the office for physician and parent signature and permission. Both the parent and the physician needs to sign the long term medication form that will be kept on file in the office.

High school staff are not allowed to administer any short term oral medication prescribed by a physician unless a parent has signed the proper short term form found in the office. This includes any antibiotic medication prescribed by a physician for ten days or less. The parent must sign the short term form before any medication can be administered to a student. The office staff is not allowed to administer any over the counter oral medications such as/but not limited to; aspirin, Tylenol or Tylenol-type products unless a parent/guardian has signed proper form found in the office.

High school staff are not allowed to administer any topical over the counter medications unless 27 the parent/guardian has checked the appropriate box on the enrollment/emergency card at the beginning of the school year. This includes, but is not limited to; First Aid Cream, Neosporin, and Caladryl , medications for cuts and abrasions or rashes. If the medication box has not been checked on the emergency card at the beginning of the school year, the parent must come into school and mark the box to give approval before the high school staff will administer any medications.

For high school staff to administer any medications to students, the medications, provided by the parents, must be in their properly labeled prescription bottle or container.


Michigan schools are required to report immunization information. Any student who fails to meet the immunization requirements below shall not be admitted or participate in school classes. In order for a student to attend school in Michigan, the Michigan Public Health Code requires parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to have one of the following on file with the school:

  1. A valid, current immunization record.
  2. A medical doctor’s (M.D./D.O.) signed State of Michigan 2020 Medical Contraindication Form, which states the medical contraindication(s), the vaccines involved, and the time period during which the child is not able to get the vaccines.
  3. A current, certified State of Michigan 2020 Immunization Nonmedical Immunization Waiver Form required under Michigan Administrative Rules.

Good Attendance Philosophy

Education is the primary responsibility of schools. Part of that education deals with the attainment of habits that will be beneficial to the individual for the duration of their life. Certainly, the habit of prompt and regular attendance is a prime concern and an invaluable employability skill to develop, and therefore, one of the most important responsibilities of students.

It is an undisputed fact that regular attendance is a student’s best assurance of success in the junior/senior high school academic program. The purpose of attendance requirements is to maintain academic standards for earning credit. Extensive absenteeism keeps a student from taking full 42 advantage of their educational opportunities. Excessive absenteeism can also disrupt the education of those students who regularly attend class. Every member of a class contributes to the total learning process of all students in the classroom. One insightful question of the group or another individual may be valuable to the understanding of the group or another individual in the class. The student who is absent is deprived of this part of education and deprives others of their contributions. For this reason, daily attendance and participating in class is crucial and will impact student performance. Students are expected to attend all classes and remain only in authorized areas of the school building during school hours.

Families are expected to notify the school promptly of extenuating circumstances regarding illness and personal family problems, which influence attendance. Every effort should be made to schedule routine appointments after school hours, and family vacations should be planned during holidays outlined on the school calendar. A student’s attendance record becomes part of their permanent record. Employers and post-secondary institutions consider attendance as important as a student’s grade point average. Questions or concerns regarding attendance should be directed to the Jr/Sr High School Office 517-851-7770.

In order to encourage, promote, and ensure regular attendance at school, Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School has adopted the following attendance policy:

Types of Absences

The junior/senior high school recognizes three types of absences:

  1. Parental Excused : An absence with the parent/guardian knowledge and consent. Such knowledge and consent is demonstrated through a note brought to the school upon a student’s return or a telephone call made within 24 hours of the absence.
  2. Unexcused : An absence classified as a “skip” or an absence without verification in the form of a note or telephone call from family/guardians within 24 hours.
  3. Suspension: An absence resulting from disciplinary action will count toward these seven-day absence policy. Due to the school’s exclusion of the student’s ability to attend school, students will be allowed to make up days over the seven-day absence policy.

When you are out of school because of personal illness, a death in the family, professional appointment, or other circumstances beyond your control, it is your responsibility to have the absence excused. A phone call to the Attendance Office on the day of the absence is the best way to excuse an absence.  

Reporting Procedures

  • Documentation in the form of a phone call or written note must be received by the attendance office for each absence, (517) 851-7770 ext. 6401.
  • Documentation should be received within 24 hours of your student’s absence.
  • Documentation will be kept in the student’s attendance file. This is significant if an appeal process is needed.

A student returning to school without being excused by their parent/guardian will be considered unexcused and will not be allowed to make up any work missed during the duration of the absence. Families are reminded that in order for the student to make up any work the excuse must be called in within 24 hours of an absence.  

General Guidelines (Seven Absence Rule)

  1. Students with seven (7) or more absences per semester in any class may lose credit for that class and privilege to participate in extracurricular activities at Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School.
  2. Exceptions to the seven-absence rule may be granted by the principal in the case of documented extenuating circumstances such as: prolonged illness, hospitalization, death in the family, family crisis, etc.
  3. Students who show a repeated pattern of non-illness-related absences cannot be treated in the same manner as those who have been absent for unavoidable reasons. Some of the criteria indicating a poor attitude towards attendance are:
    1. Frequent absences without the school being notified by family or guardians.
    2. Leaving school early without permission
    3. Frequent tardiness resulting in unexcused absences.
    4. Frequently missing one or two classes during the day
    5. Missing classes on test days, or when projects and assignments are du
    6. Repeated outside appointments in the same class period.  

Attendance Policy: Loss of Course Credit

  • Seven Absence Limit - A student must not exceed seven (7) total absences in each class per semester. Once a student has accumulated 7 absences in a class, a loss of credit applies.

  • All absences will count toward the allowable limit with the exception of school-related absences. There is no distinction between parental excused or unexcused absences.
  • If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to a class without a pass it will count as an unexcused absence.

If credit is withheld, a student may earn the credit by:

  • Attending an assigned Saturday School Session(s) and passing the course final exam or,
  • Successfully scoring 77% or better on the course final exam or,
  • Successfully scoring 77% or better in the course.
  • Successfully completing a school-approved means for credit recovery, such as summer school or E2020.  

Attendance Policy: Loss of Extracurricular Privileges

  • Seven Absence Limit - A student must not exceed seven(7) total absences in each class per semester. Once a student has accumulated seven absences in a class they lose extracurricular privileges for the remainder of the semester.
  • All absences will count toward the allowable limit with the exception of school related absences. There is no distinction made between a parental excused or unexcused absence.
  • If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to a class without a pass it will count as an unexcused absence.
  • Once a student exceeds the “Seven Absence Limit”, the student will lose privileges until the end of the semester. Extracurricular privileges include but are not limited to the following:
  • Extra curricular activities including clubs (NHS, Student Council, Robotics, etc.), athletics (varsity and sub varsity) and performance groups (Marching Band, Choir, etc.) That meet after school.
  • All school dances including Homecoming, Winterfest, and Prom
  • Attendance at home sporting events
  • If privileges are lost a student may earn privileges back by:
  • Attending an assigned Saturday School Session(s). A student is only allowed to regain privileges through this means once per semester.

The attendance regulations emphasize the student's responsibility and accountability for prompt and regular attendance. They provide a reasonable process for alerting family and students to the consequences of excessive absenteeism. These regulations will help students to be more successful in school.

The school is prepared to work with those students who have special problems and to discuss with family any unusual circumstances or problems related to attendance.  


Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School will consider a student truant if:

  • The student has an unexcused absence for more than five consecutive days
  • The student has unexcused absences for more than ten(10) days in a thirty (30) day period
  • The student is absent thirty (30) days or more in a school year.

Truancy may result in:

  • Court Referral
  • Suspension or expulsion from Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School
  • A student who has unexcused absences from school for ten (10) or more consecutive days will
  • be dropped from Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School and must apply for re-enrollment.


A tardy to class is defined as any student who arrives in class after the bell has rung and up to ten minutes into the hour. Being up to 10 minutes late to a class without a valid pass signed by authorized school personnel will result in a tardy. Past ten minutes will be issued an unexcused absence for that hour. Students who demonstrate an unwillingness to conform to the established tardy guidelines may be subjected to progressive school discipline.  

Tardy Policy Consequences (Based on tardies in a class period quarter)

3rd tardy - Student and parent are informed of Tardy Policy Consequences
4th tardy - Friday after school detention
5th tardy - Friday after school detention
6th tardy - Friday after school detention, student, parent, and administration meeting
7th tardy and beyond - One day of in-school suspension (ISS)

Because being prompt is an important employability skill, tardiness will be listed on the student's permanent transcripts. Employers often request copies of transcripts prior to making hiring decisions.

Pre-Arranged Absence

If an absence of three or more days for reasons other than illness is necessary, a request for
pre-arranged student absence must be made through the Attendance Office. Where it is
determined that it would be detrimental for the student to be absent, the administrator will advise the student and the student's parents. The student may not exceed five pre-arranged absence days per semester, unless approved by an administrator.

The pre-arranged absence will be excused and could be counted in the seven (7) allowable
absence days per semester. The teacher/administrator's signature only signifies that notification
has been made.


  1. Student obtains a pre-arranged absence form from the Main Office.
  2. When a student presents this form to his instructors, each classroom teacher will record the number of absences to date, make comments where necessary and sign the form. The teacher's signature does not imply approval for the proposed absence.
  3. Parents read information on the form and sign. Student returns the form to the Main Office.
  4. Family vacations that extend into scheduled school time require a request for a pre-arranged absence form.
  5. Days missed because of pre-arranged absences will count toward the total of five cumulative absences for the semester.
  6. The student may not exceed five pre-arranged absence days per semester, unless approved by an administrator.

Special Note: Completed homework assignments for pre-arranged absences must be submitted on the day on which the student returns to school. Failure to do so will result in an "F" for those assignments which have not been completed. Test make-up will be at the convenience of the teacher.

Absence for School-Related Business

If it becomes necessary for a student to miss a class because of school-related business, the student must first obtain approval from the classroom teacher whose class will be missed. Absence for school-related business does not exempt the student from turning in assignments before or at the time such assignments are due, nor do they count toward the allowable 7 days.

Juniors and Seniors are allowed one (1) on-campus college visit per school year. Students may visit a college, University or trade school. Students who use these visits must have a pre-arranged absence slip and follow-up documentation of the visit on file.

Class Meetings

Attendance at class meetings, as with any class, is required. Attendance will be taken and students not in attendance at these meetings will be considered skipping. Important school business including student government reports, official state attendance counts, class business and other matters concerning you as a student are discussed in class meetings.

How to Get Homework Assignments When Ill

If the illness is expected to last 3 or more days, students or parents should contact the Attendance Office for class assignments. It should be noted that at least a 24-hour period is required between your phone contact and when your assignments will be available to be picked up. This period will allow the office staff time to contact teachers and give teachers time to prepare assignments.

Make-up Work

There are situations in which teachers must decide to what extent they can provide alternate assignments for students who are or have been absent. The philosophy at Stockbridge is to develop alternate assignments where the need is legitimate. The extent to which the teacher deviates from group assignments depends upon the circumstances. Students who are absent for 3 or more weeks may request homebound services. Contact the school administration for this information. Teachers work cooperatively with the homebound student in developing lessons that may be substantially different from the class work.

A student with unexcused absences will not receive credit for the class activities missed. However, a student will be able to make up for credit for those assignments and tests which are essential to the completion of the course if the unexcused absence results from suspension from school.

The responsibility for such makeup is with the student at a time agreeable to the teacher. Generally, assignments and tests will be allowed one day late for each day absent or by student/teacher arrangement. The course of appeal is through the building administrator.


  1. Bus riders must be at the bus stop, ready to board the bus when the bus arrives.
  2. Pupils shall comply properly with the suggestions of bus drivers.
  3. Pupils shall always stay off the roadway while waiting.
  4. Pupils shall always keep hands and head inside the bus.
  5. Pupils shall occupy any seat assigned by the driver.
  6. Pupils may be suspended by the Principal or Superintendent from riding the bus when such action is advisable. In conjunction with this, the Michigan State General School Laws Relating to Transportation state that any transported pupil may be suspended from the privilege of riding on a school bus for any willful disobedience of rules.
  7. Pupils shall keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly.
  8. Pupils shall report to the bus driver at once any damage to the bus.
  9. According to State Regulations, the Bus Supervisor may remove a student who is responsible for unsafe conduct and destruction to school vehicles.
  10. Any damage to the bus shall be paid for by the rider inflicting the damage.
  11. Pupils shall not leave the bus without the driver's consent.
  12. Pupils shall avoid loud, boisterous, or profane language or indecent conduct of any kind.
  13. Pupils shall not open windows or doors except with permission of the bus driver.
  14. Pupils shall not enter or leave the bus until it has come to a full stop and the door has been opened by the driver.
  15. Pupils shall not board the bus until the driver is on the bus.

These rules are not intended to be complete; they only serve as a guide.

A breakfast and lunch program are made available to students on a daily basis in the cafeteria. During the school day, food may not be eaten in areas other than the cafeteria unless otherwise authorized by school personnel.

Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School has a closed campus. This means that other than for health or emergency reasons, a student is not permitted to leave campus before the completion of their class schedule. Passes will not be issued for students to go home for lunch.

Because six different groups of students use the same cafeteria facilities each day, student cooperation is needed to keep the area clean and sanitary. Throwing food, trays, paper, etc. in the cafeteria will result in suspension from school (see Code of Conduct). Students are expected to respond in a courteous manner to all cafeteria personnel and to identify themselves when requested to do so. Students will be expected to dispose of rubbish in appropriate containers and to return trays and dishes to designated areas. During their lunch period, students are expected to remain in the cafeteria area until passing time. Violation of closed campus and cafeteria policy will result in disciplinary action.

Accredited correspondence classes may be available to seniors only who desire graduation with their class at the student’s expense. A required class for graduation may not be taken through correspondence school. A list of required courses can be found in the curriculum course guide. Elective credits successfully completed through correspondence may replace elective credits lost due to failure. A maximum of four (4) credits may be earned in this manner. All correspondence courses must be pre-approved by the Principal and Counselor in writing.

Approved correspondence grades successfully completed will not be considered part of a student's academic G.P.A. but will apply to the satisfaction of graduation requirements. Grading for correspondence courses will be on a Pass “P”, No Credit” NC” basis. Any student wishing to use an approved correspondence course to satisfy graduation requirements to graduate with their class must submit appropriate documentation of successful completion no later than May 1 of the year in which they expect to graduate.

Guidance and counseling services are available to every student. The guidance office is located in the back of the media center. A student has a counselor when he/she enters junior high school and will continue to have a counselor available throughout the high school.

Each student has a master record file called a CA60. This folder includes information such as former schools attended, past and present grades and test results. The counselor will be familiar with the material and a student or the parent may examine the contents of the cumulative guidance folder in the presence of a counselor, upon written request 24 hours in advance.

A student will be expected to complete a request for an appointment in order to visit the guidance office. The guidance office will give a pass which will designate the time and date of the appointment. In an emergency, of course, a counselor will always be available. Confidentiality will be respected when personal problems are discussed with the counselor. Generally, matters of discipline will be handled by the school administrators.

Academic Averages

Students have the right to be informed at the beginning of each semester about course objectives, standards, marking practices and final exam policy for each class. All subjects are graded on a four point scale.

All classes taken at Stockbridge High School will be graded with a letter grade from “A” to “F”. Exceptions to this rule will be for Testing Out (page 9), Dual Enrollment (page 10), External Studies and Summer School (page 14) and Correspondence Courses (page 15), and Earned High School Credit from the 8th grade. All of these exceptions will calculate grades on a Pass  “P”, No Credit “NC” basis.

Semester Grades

For a student to receive a passing grade in a class for the semester, they must have at least a 60% semester average.

Semester Grades

High School Junior High School
Quarter 1: 40% Quarter 1: 40%
Quarter 2: 40% Quarter 2: 40%
1st Semester Exam: 20%
1st Semester Exam: 20%
Quarter 3: 40% Quarter 3: 45%
Quarter 4: 40% Quarter 4: 45%
2nd Semester Exam: 20% 2nd Semester Exam: 10%

Classification of a Student

Students must have received the following credits by the end of the current school year in order to change their classification status for the next school year.

  • All incoming ninth graders are considered freshmen.
  • To be classified as a sophomore, a minimum of 5 credits is recorded on a student’s transcript.
  • To be classified as a junior, a minimum of 10 credits is recorded on a student’s transcript.
  • To be classified as a senior, a minimum of 15 credits is recorded on a student’s transcript.

*Please note new and incoming students from another district will have their credits prorated to meet our credit criteria for classification.

Grade Point Average

Stockbridge High School uses the 4-point grading system for all purposes. A cumulative grade
point average for each student is computed only at the end of each semester.

Grade Point Average

Letter Grade 4 pt. Percentage
A 4.00 93-100
A- 3.67 90-92
B+ 3.33 87-89
B 3.00 83-86
B- 2.67 80-82
C+ 2.33 77-79
C 2.00 73-76
C- 1.67 70-72
D+ 1.33 67-69
D 1.00 63-66
D- .67 60-62
F 0.00 Credit Loss
NC NA Due to Attendance
I 0.00 Incomplete
W NA Withdrew


Valedictorian/Salutatorian Calculation

The determination of Valedictorian and Salutatorian honors will be calculated at the conclusion of the seventh semester for all students. The student or students tied with the highest grade point average after seven semesters will be considered the Valedictorian for that school year. The student or students tied for second highest grade point average after seven semesters will be considered the Salutatorian for that school year. To be considered for Valedictorian/Salutatorian honors, a student must be enrolled at Stockbridge High School from their fifth through seventh semester of their career.

Testing Out Policy

Recent legislation requires that Stockbridge High School consider alternatives to earning high school credit. Public Act 335, 1279B, of the State School code requires the opportunity for any high school student to "test out" of any course.

To test out, students will need to exhibit mastery of the subject matter by attaining a grade of not less than C+, (based on the Stockbridge High School grading scale as cited in the Handbook), in a final exam. The student may also be required to demonstrate mastery through the basic assessment used in the course which may consist of portfolio, performance, paper, project, or presentation. Testing out exams and/or other assessments used will be for a semester. It is important to note that by successfully testing out of a course, a student will miss participation in class discussions and opportunities to develop higher level thinking skills which are nurtured by daily contact with the instructor.

Credit earned is to be based on a "pass" with no grade recorded and will not be included in a computation of grade point average. Credit will be counted toward fulfillment of a requirement within a subject area and will be counted toward fulfillment of a requirement as to course sequence. Beginning with the Class of 2007, testing out credits will be counted towards the 29 credits needed to graduate. For example, testing out of a math course will enable a student to take the next course in the math sequence as well as satisfy one of the four credits in math required to graduate. Students may not receive credit thereafter for a lower course in course sequence in the same subject area.

If a student has a native language other than English, which is not offered by the district as a course, he/she may test out using the mother tongue to demonstrate proficiency and receive foreign language credit.

It will be necessary for students to submit requests to test out of courses in order to be included in the test out opportunity. A Testing Out Registration Form must be completed and returned to the student's guidance counselor.

Students will receive in the mail information for each test out course for which they register. The information will include a course description, course syllabus, and a description of test out requirements. Texts, for which a deposit of $35.00 per book is required, may be requested, if available. The dates for testing out will be the week before the school year begins. Incoming students who have been homeschooled will be required to demonstrate mastery of subject material in each discipline, either through testing out option, or providing documentation of standardized assessment results in order to determine credits earned toward graduation and appropriate placement in the high school sequence of curriculum.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact a guidance counselor.

Dual Enrollment

Historically, school districts have allowed their students to attend courses at local colleges or universities, in addition to their own high school, in an effort to meet students' needs and interests. This is called "dual enrollment."

Effective April 1, 1996, Public Act 160 created the “Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act” which directs school districts to assist students in paying tuition and fees for courses at Michigan public or private colleges or universities if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Freshmen and sophomores must meet the requirements for dual enrollment by earning statewide qualification scores on one of the following exams: 8th grade EXPLORE or 9th grade PLAN. In addition, freshmen and sophomores must receive a recommendation from the principal to demonstrate evidence of college readiness.
  2. Juniors and seniors must meet the requirements for dual enrollment by earning statewide qualification scores on one of the following qualifying exams: 10th grade March ACT PLAN test or 11th grade October PSAT test, March ACT and March MME. (See Tables 2a-h below)
  3. Students must be enrolled in both the school district and postsecondary institution during the local school district's regular academic year and must be enrolled in at least one high school class.
  4. The college courses must not be offered by the district. An exception to this could occur if the Board of Education determines that a scheduling conflict exists, which is beyond the student's control.
  5. The college courses cannot be a hobby craft or recreation course, or in the subject areas of physical education, theology, divinity, or religious education and cannot be remedial.
  6. Dual enrollment classes will count toward graduation credit but will not be calculated in a student’s grade point average. Grading for all dual enrollment classes will be on a Pass “P, No Credit “NC” basis.
  7. Students must be aware of the caps of dual enrollment now in place. Students may take up to 10 total courses.
    1. Grade 9 – not more than two each year for the first three years they participate and four in their fourth year of participation.
    2. Grade 10 –not more than two courses the first year, and not more than four courses during the second and third academic years.
    3. Grade 11 or 12 – not more than six courses during either of those academic years (though for a maximum of 10 courses between both years).
  8. All students must repay the school for a course taken for postsecondary credit if not successfully completed.

School districts are required to pay the lesser of: (a) the actual charge for tuition, mandatory course fees, materials fees and registration fees; or (b) the state portion of the students' foundation allowance, adjusted to the proportion of the school year they attend a postsecondary 19 institution . If you believe you are eligible for dual enrollment, that you qualify for tuition and fee support, and you wish to participate, contact the (Counselor/Principal).

Table 2a


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Mathematics Mathematics 17  
Reading Reading 15  
Science Science 20  
English English 13  

Table 2b


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Mathematics Mathematics 19  
Reading Reading 17  
Science Science 21  
English English 15  

Table 2c


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Mathematics Mathematics 22  
Reading Reading 21  
Science Science 24  
English English 18  

Table 2d


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Mathematics Mathematics 52  
Reading Reading 88  
English English 77  


Table 2e


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Reading Reading 1108  
Writing Writing 1100
Mathematics Mathematics 1116
Science Science 1126  
English English 1129  


Table 2f


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Critical Reading Reading 42  
Writing Skills Writing 41  
Mathematics Mathematics 44  

Table 2g


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Critical Reading Reading 500  
Writing  Writing 500  
Mathematics Mathematics 500  

Table 2h


Test Section Content Area Minimal Dual Enrollment Qualifying Score
Reading Comprehension Reading TBD  
Sentence Skills Writing TBD  
Mathematics Mathematics TBD  

Adding/Dropping Classes

  1. Students may change their schedule for the following reasons:
    1. Needs to be put into a more difficult or easier class as recommended by their teacher.
    2. The student was scheduled into a class that he/she has already successfully completed.
    3. A change in the school program, for example programs and/or classes being dropped or added by the administration.
    4. The student has an incomplete schedule, for example the student has only three classes printed on their schedule.
    5. The student does not have the prerequisites for a course.
    6. The primary changes in a student's schedule should be related to the student's four-year career plan.
  2. Students will not be given the option to change their schedules after the first week of a semester unless for one of the above reasons. Approval of a counselor, dropping and adding teacher, and an administrator will be required to complete a schedule change.
  3. If a student drops a class after the first week of a new semester, the student may receive a "Withdraw Failing" for the class he/she dropped.
  4. All requests for schedule changes must be initiated with the counselor.
  5. Students who stop attending class without an approved schedule change will be considered truant.

Report Cards

Students are periodically evaluated during each semester. At the end of the second marking period, students receive a final cumulative mark for that semester's work.

If a student feels that there may be an error on his report card, he should first contact the classroom teacher. In the event that an error exists for any marking period, the teacher will send corrections through the Guidance Office for the permanent records.

At the time of graduation, all contents of the student cumulative file are consolidated on a transcript. It is advisable that the student copy of the report card be retained as a permanent home record should any future question of academic credit arise. Report cards are accessed through the Parent Portal on the web page. If you would like your student’s report card mailed home please contact the office. 20


When an incomplete is given instead of a mark, the student must complete the work and receive a grade within two weeks after the end of the marking period. Students who ignore this responsibility will receive an F grade for the work missed.

Repeating A Course

A student may repeat a course that he/she has already passed for the purpose of improving the previous grade received in any semester the student chooses . In such cases, only the highest grade, credit and evidence of attempt will appear in the student’s historical record. If the final grade is identical, the original entry will remain and no entry will be made of the subsequent attempt. The purpose of this standardized practice in high school is to encourage students who want to improve a mark to do so without penalty.

If a student has failed a required or elective course in the past and retakes the class with a passing grade, both failing and passing grades will remain on the student’s historical record.

Only students from Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School, with identification, and their registered guests will be admitted to the school dances. Registered approved guests must be alumni or enrolled students at another high school. Guests will be required to furnish I.D. to be admitted to the dance along with an issued guest past. Guests without school I.D. must furnish a letter of enrollment signed by an administrator from their home school.

Slam Dancing or other activities that are a safety concern will NOT be allowed at any school sponsored dance. Students who engage in such activities will be asked to leave the dance and may not be permitted to attend dances for the remainder of the school year. A student may obtain a guest pass for his or her guest by registering the guest in the office during lunch hour on the Wednesday before the dance. Names will be verified and passes issued on Friday during lunch hour.

Once a student and guest arrive at the dance, they are expected to remain in the building. If students and guests leave the building they will not be readmitted to the dance. Dress suitable to the occasion must be worn.

A community is often judged by the participants in school related activities. It shall be the intent of the Stockbridge Board of Education that our community set an example of a positive attitude towards morals, manners, and sportsmanship for others to emulate. To accomplish this, students and community members shall demonstrate exemplary behavior at school events befitting our community.

The Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School’s dress code policy supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner as to not reinforce stereotypes. To ensure effective and 30 equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income or body type/size.

All students who attend Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School are also expected to respect the school community by dressing appropriately for a 7-12 educational environment. Student attire should allow students to participate fully in their educational process.

Allowable Dress & Grooming

  • Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent and shoes.
  • Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front, back and on the sides.
  • Clothing must cover undergarments. (not including bra straps)
  • Fabric covering all private parts must not be see-through.
  • Hats and other headwear must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff. Hoodies must allow the student's face and ears to be visible to staff.
  • Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist.
  • Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as safety gear, athletic uniforms, etc.

Non-Allowable Dress & Grooming

  • Clothing may not depict, advertise, or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other prohibited substances.
  • Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.
  • Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.
  • Clothing may not display or imply vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images.
  • Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.
  • Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn.
  • Clothing must not threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff.
  • If the student’s attire or grooming threatens the health or safety of any other person, then discipline for dress or grooming violations should be consistent with discipline policies for similar violations.

The administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be allowed to attend class. Parents will be called if appropriate clothing is not available or the student refuses dress-code-appropriate clothing.

The Stockbridge Community Schools and the Ingham County Sheriff Department, in keeping with the Drug Free School Zone, will conduct random searches of school premises using trained drug search dogs. Those found in possession of illegal or controlled substances located in their lockers or vehicles in the school parking lot will be referred to civil authorities and prosecuted under the full extent of the law. Stockbridge School Code of Conduct violation will result in additional penalties up to and including expulsion from school.

Bomb Threat Procedure

  1. The principal makes an announcement indicating where the safe area is to be located.
  2. Fire alarm goes off.
  3. Teachers will walk their classes to the safe area. Students must stay with the class.
  4. Attendance will be taken at the safe area.
  5. Everyone will remain in the safe area until given direction by the Principal.

Safe Area

  1. Attendance will be taken by the classroom teachers.
  2. Missing students will be turned in to the Assistant Principal.
  3. The release of students will then start in a timely manner as determined by the Principal.

Unacceptable Behavior

  1. Students should not go to the parking lot.
  2. Students should not drive their cars to the safe area.
  3. Students should not go home, go to work, or go to the Career Center without first going 28 to the safe area.
  4. Students may not be passengers in a car driven by another student.

Consequences of Not Following Bomb Threat Procedure

  1. Students not following the proper bomb threat procedure will be suspended one day.
  2. Staff/students need to be aware that if we are not in attendance for a half day, the day may have to be made up.
  3. Calling in a bomb threat is an immediate 10-day suspension with the student referred to the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing and to the proper authorities for prosecution.

Fire Alarm

The high school has an organized program to provide safety and assistance in case of school or community emergencies. Specific directions for vacating the building and for passing to safety areas are posted in each room and in other appropriate areas. General procedures in case of fire or fire drills are:

  1. At the sound of the buzzer, pupils should leave the building with their teacher by the nearest posted exit. Those students who do not leave will be subject to immediate disciplinary action which may include suspension.
  2. Teachers will close the windows and doors of the room they are in before leaving.
  3. The first person out of each door will hold the door until the building is cleared.
  4. Never assume that the buzzer is a false alarm. State fire regulations require that a building must be evacuated whenever an alarm is rung.
  5. Students must not stop for books, clothing or any other purpose.
  6. Students should walk, not run. There should be no pushing, shoving or talking.
  7. The first student outside the building should not stop until the entire group is at least one hundred feet from the building.
  8. When the all-clear bell is sounded, students should return to their classrooms. The fire safety drill will remain in effect until all students and personnel have returned to their classrooms.

Tornado Plan

When weather conditions indicate that a tornado might be in the area, the school is alerted by a special defense system. There are two general classifications for these alerts.

Tornado Watch

This means that the weather is such that a tornado may develop. At this point, teachers are notified that a Tornado Watch is on but classes will not be interrupted.

Tornado Warning

When a tornado has been sighted in the area or a tornado warning goes into effect, a PA announcement will be made to the entire school. Each classroom has special instructions for shelter areas.

If a tornado seems to be threatening the school, the students will be asked to sit with their backs against the wall away from any glassed-in area. In an extreme emergency when there is insufficient time for students to go to the shelter areas, students will be asked to seek shelter under tables, desks or other protected areas away from outside windows.


  1. Parents needing to contact their students during classroom hours due to an emergency, can call and leave a message in the main office.  Messages will be delivered twice a day (at lunch and at the end of the day). 
  2. Parents must notify the Attendance Office when their student will be absent for the day.  Notify the attendance office either by a personal phone call on the day of the absence or a phone call the following day at 851-7770, extension 6401.  Voicemail is accepted at any time.  Absences will only be excused 24 hours after any absence.  After 24 hours have passed, the absence will be marked in the records as unexcused.

    Any verbal or written communication needs to state the day(s) being excused and the reason for the absence.  The school reserves the right to verify any written or phoned-in excuse.

    Parents/guardians and emancipated students are reminded that excuses need to be made within 24 hours of an absence.  A student returning to school without an excuse will be recorded as an unexcused absence on teachers’ records.  Students will not be allowed to make up any work missed if an absence is unexcused.  

    Responsibility for excusing the student rests with the parent/guardian of the minor child or the emancipated student.  

    It will be the student’s responsibility to keep track of the number of absences they have during the semester. Teacher records are official records and should be checked periodically by the student/parent in PowerSchool. 
  3. Students are not to be absent more than seven (7) days from school per semester. Failure to have good attendance may cause you to lose credit for the semester.
  4. Work permits are issued in the Main Office.  Applications may be picked up before or after school.
  5. Students may not have visitors with them during the school day unless it has prior administrator approval.  
  6. Unauthorized persons and vehicles may be charged with trespassing.
  7. Parents are always welcome!  All visitors are requested to register in the office so their needs may be processed.

Various trips, ceremonies and extracurricular activities occur during the school year. In order to participate, a student must be in good standing in the areas of academics, behavior and attendance. Good standing is defined but not limited to the following:

  • Academics: A student must pass four out of six classes.
  • Behavior: A student must not have more than 3 detentions and/or 1 day of suspension during the semester of the activity. (Should the activity occur early in a semester the student’s behavior for the previous semester may be a factor.)
  • Attendance: A student’s attendance must be within the allowable limits as outlined in the student handbook.

The school administration has given recognition to the importance of the final examination process. Administrative regulations require that all students attend classes on final examination days and all students have a right to see their corrected final exam.

In general, all students will be expected to take final examinations. Because of the nature of certain course offerings, this requirement may be waived for specific courses. Exceptions may be made only with the specific approval of the Principal.

Each semester a minimum of one day will be set aside for a formal review of the course and to help students prepare for the examination. Where appropriate, teachers will provide study guides, resumes and listings of term definitions to assist students.

The final examination will count for a maximum of 25%. Teachers will advise students of the value percentage before the end of the first card marking period. Since the marking process is cumulative in character and reflects the total performance of the student throughout the semester, the final examination provides a second chance to improve a grade or to add additional assessment information when the determination of a grade is in doubt. Those students who continue their education beyond high school will also benefit from this educational experience.

Final exams will be waived for Second Semester Seniors who have a 3.0 GPA in a particular class and have three or fewer excused absences, fewer than two unexcused tardies and no unexcused absences.

Students who fail to attend class on examination days when instructed to do so must have their parents notify the Attendance Office of their legitimate absence by 3:00 PM on the day of the absence. Students who are absent without a valid excuse will be given an F for the final examination. Arrangements will be made for students with excused absences.

Fundraising activities for school purposes have the potential to be constructive educational services. Fundraisers which provide community services shall be encouraged.

The Board of Education requests that door-to-door selling shall be limited to once per year per organization and approved by the administration prior to starting the project.

The Board of Education has explicit policies and rules and regulations governing fundraisers. All sponsors shall have written administration approval and copies of the board policies prior to initiating and fundraising.

Money-raising activities shall be limited, approved by the sponsor and Principal, and shall meet other requirements as outlined in school policies.

No money is to be left in classrooms or faculty offices. It is the teacher's responsibility to turn all money into the secretary in charge of activity accounts, Mrs. Learned. No purchases can be made without a purchase order through the principal. Activity funds must be deposited and paid out through school accounts.

Money-raising activities of clubs, grades, classes or organizations within Stockbridge Schools must be approved by the building Principal. A form must be completed and approved before orders or commitments are agreed upon.

The following are the required credits for a Stockbridge graduate starting with the class of 2023. This table lists credits needed during the transition from the block schedule to the six-period day.

Course Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Class of 2026 or Later
Graduation Credits Possible 30 28 26 24
Graduation Credits Required 27 25 23 21
English Requirements

4 English
*Senior Portfolio Project

4 English
*Senior Portfolio Project
4 English
*Senior Portfolio Project
4 English
*Senior Portfolio Project
Math Requirements 4 Math (through at least
Algebra II and a Math or
Math related course
must be taken during
the senior year)
4 Math (through at least
Algebra II and a Math or
Math related course
must be taken during
the senior year)
4 Math (through at least
Algebra II and a Math or
Math related course
must be taken during
the senior year)
4 Math (through at least
Algebra II and a Math or
Math related course
must be taken during
the senior year)
Social Studies Requirements 3 Social Studies 3 Social Studies 3 Social Studies 3 Social Studies
Science Requirements 3 Science 3 Science 3 Science 3 Science
Physical Education/ Health 1 Physical
1 Physical
1 Physical
1 Physical
Fine/Applied Arts 1 Fine/Applied Arts 1 Fine/Applied Arts 1 Fine/Applied Arts 1 Fine/Applied Arts
Foreign Language 2 Foreign Language
(must be the same
language) OR 1 Foreign
Language and 1
additional CTE
Course/Fine Applied Arts
2 Foreign Language
(must be the same
language) OR 1 Foreign
Language and 1
additional CTE
Course/Fine Applied Arts
2 Foreign Language
(must be the same
language) OR 1 Foreign
Language and 1
additional CTE
Course/Fine Applied Arts
2 Foreign Language
(must be the same
language) OR 1 Foreign
Language and 1
additional CTE
Course/Fine Applied Arts
Elective 9 Additional Electives 7 Additional Electives 5 Additional Electives 3 Additional Electives

*Senior Portfolio Project: Completed in conjunction with your senior-level English course as described on the rubric. Students respond to the question: What have been your significant learning experiences over the last four years and how do they impact your future?

To pass through the halls during class time, a student must have a pass from their teacher. Students should plan to obtain their materials and to utilize the drinking fountain and lavatories during the passing time between classes. No passes will be issued to use the phone during class time.

Any student wishing to go to the office must have a pass from the teacher before the period begins. Students wishing to use the health room must have a pass from a teacher. No student should leave the classroom without the teacher signing the pass.

At the time of registration at the beginning of each school year, students are provided information regarding a student insurance policy. The insurance company is selected by the Board of Education and claims are processed directly with the company. Claim forms may be obtained from the school office. The premium is nominal. This insurance is entirely voluntary and is supplemental to the family insurance program.

Students not passing a core class at the end of the semester will be required to make up the credit in the following ways:

  • Make up time in the learning lab, and earn a test-out score of 77% on the semester exam or,
  • Retake and complete that core class via E2020, during elective time or during the credit recovery over the summer.

Junior High Student Earning High School Credit

Beginning with the 2006/2007 school year, Stockbridge grade 8 students may earn High School Credit in the following classes: Algebra I and Spanish I.

Earned high school credit at the middle school level will count toward graduation credit but will not be calculated in a student’s grade point average. Grading for all earned high school credit will be on a Pass “P”, No Credit “NC” basis.

Locker space is provided to each student. Locker combinations should be kept in strictest confidence. The locker is the property of the school district and school personnel may enter the locker from time to time and inspect the contents contained therein without notice to or approval of the student. Students should have no expectation of the privacy of lockers, desks or other school property. All school lockers are the property of Stockbridge Community Schools. Lockers may be opened by the school administration at any time.

Illegal drugs, alcohol, weapons and other dangerous instruments contained in the locker may be seized by school personnel and used as evidence in a suspension or expulsion hearing. Student owned locks are not to be placed on a hall locker. Any such unauthorized locks will be cut off immediately.

The pupil should keep personal property in no locker except the one assigned to him/her. Violation of this rule is a Group I offense. Damaged or defaced lockers will subject the responsible persons to fines and penalties.

If a locker or combination does not work properly, the student should report the trouble to the Main Office. Money, jewelry or items of considerable value should not be left in hall lockers. Lockers should be locked at all times to discourage theft and tampering. No student should change lockers without permission from the office. Passing out your lock combination to anyone only leads to security problems. Students are responsible for keeping their lock combination confidential.

For the safety of students and the protection of school property, unauthorized persons are not allowed to loiter on or adjacent to the school grounds or in any school building. All visitors will be expected to report to the principal’s office.

Students not currently enrolled at Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School will not be allowed on campus during school hours and will be subject to trespassing/prosecution.

Students who are under temporary suspension or have been expelled from school are not allowed on school property, in any school building or admitted to any school function.

Persons causing any disturbance to school programs or activities shall be requested to leave the school property at once. Failure to comply will be considered grounds for police assistance.

Students who are in unauthorized locations, including their own vehicles, without permission will be subject to a Group I Violation.

The National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test - Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT-NMQT): This test is designed for juniors who wish to gain practice for the SAT/ACT test which is taken during the senior year; in addition, it is for those academically qualified students who wish to compete for National Merit Scholarship Grants.

Grade 11

The Guidance Department will notify students as to the date and time the test will be offered. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a college entrance exam that consists of 3 critical reading sections and 3 mathematical sections, and a required writing section. The test is recommended in May or June of the junior year. Stockbridge School Code: 233-520

Juniors will take the SAT at Stockbridge Jr/ Sr High School. The test will be given during the month of March of the junior year as part of their Michigan Merit Exam.

Grade 12

The Guidance Department will notify students as to the dates and times the test will be offered. (It is recommended that tests be taken in Nov. or Dec. of senior year).

American College Testing (ACT) - This test evaluates a student's performance in the areas of English, Math, Reading, Science reasoning and an optional writing test. Stockbridge School Code: 233-520.

Seniors wishing to take the ACT or SAT should contact the Guidance Department. The Guidance Department will notify students as to the dates and times the test will be offered.

The SAT is also a college entrance exam and is the preferred college entrance examination for all Michigan Schools.

College Entrance Tests

Seniors who plan to apply to a college should complete necessary applications for tests required for admission or possible financial aid. All applications to Michigan colleges are available in the Guidance Office. Additional information may be obtained in the library where college catalogs and scholarship and financial aid literature are included in the college information center. The counselor will meet with seniors early in October to provide college information and answer questions.

Tests for College Admissions

Most Michigan colleges will require a student to have taken the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). One of these two tests are required for admission by most colleges. A list of the requirements of each college is posted in the Guidance Office.

A student shall not be denied membership in the Stockbridge Community Schools because of his or her marital status.

More detailed policy and notice information can be found at Notices and Required Reporting

School custodians have been directed not to lend out school tools or equipment to students for school-related projects without written direction from the Administration. This school procedure is necessary in order to protect the safety of our students. Students may use school facilities after normal school hours only with the permission of the building administrator and under responsible adult supervision.

School Calendar

The 2022-23 school calendar is available at High School Calendar.

Bell Schedule

Schedule Class Duration
7:35 - 8:35 1st Hour 60 minutes
8:35- 8:40 Passing Time 5 minutes
8:40 - 9: 38 2nd Hour 58 minutes
9:38 - 9:43 Passing Time 5 minutes
9:43- 10:41 3rd Hour 58 minutes
10:41 - 11:06 A-Lunch 25 minutes
11:06 - 11:11 Passing Time 5 minutes
11:11 - 12:11 4th Hour 60 minutes
10:41 - 10:46 Passing Time 5 minutes
10:46 - 11:46 4th Hour 60 minutes
11:46 - 12:11 B-Lunch 25 minutes
10:41 - 10:46 Passing Time 5 minutes
10:46 - 11:16 4th hour 30 minutes
11:16 - 11:41 â…ž Lunch 25 minutes
11:41 - 12:11 4th hour 30 minutes
12:11 - 12:16 Passing Time 5 minutes
12:16 - 1:15 5th Hour 59 minutes
1:15 - 1:20 Passing Time 5 minutes
1:20 - 2:20 6th Hour 60 minutes

For the 2022-23 school year, specific dates are designated as half days for professional development. Students will attend school 7:35am to 10:45am on:

  • September 1, 2022
  • October 21, 2022
  • November 9, 2022
  • February 1, 2023
  • March 8, 2023
  • May 17, 2023

The number of Stockbridge High School students driving to school has dramatically increased the past few years. Because there is limited parking, we need and request the understanding and cooperation of student drivers and their parents/guardians in the implementation and maintenance of the following motor vehicle regulations.

  1. All students wishing to drive a motor vehicle to, from, or in connection with school must complete and return a motor vehicle registration form signed by the parent or guardian.
  2. Driving privileges may be revoked by school administration when, in the opinion of the administration, continuance of the privilege is detrimental to the welfare of others.
  3. Reckless and/or careless driving, or other improper driving, will not be tolerated. Driving privileges will be withdrawn and a report will be filed with the police department.
  4. Students who drive to school will park in student designated parking spaces in the lot north of the high school building. Improperly parked vehicles will result in the student being subjected to the penalties as outlined under the Student Code of Conduct.
  5. Students driving a motor vehicle must secure and display a parking permit on the rearview mirror or in a spot easily visible (to be determined by the administration).
  6. Motor vehicles are to be parked in the student lot prior to the beginning of the school day and not used or entered again without proper authorization from the school until the termination of the school day. Students are to enter the school building once they arrive at school or be subject to a Group I Violation.
  7. All motor vehicles are to be kept locked at all times to help control unauthorized use.
  8. Any motor vehicle illegally parked, or parked in unauthorized areas, will be subject to towing at the owner's expense.
  9. By providing the school district with this application, the student and parent/guardian agree that the vehicle described will remain properly licensed and insured so as to 32 operate under the laws of the State of Michigan.
  10. A $5.00 annual fee has been authorized for this privilege. Senior Parking Opportunity $40.00 fee.
  11. The school district provides transportation to and from the Wilson Talent Center (Career Center). Students may elect to drive themselves by filling out the Driving Permission Contract. Certain programs may also require students to provide their own transportation and a Driving Permission Contract will need to be filled out in order to do so. All students must ride the school district-provided bus until an approved Driving Permission Contract is filled out.

The State of Michigan provides for the control of the employment of minors. All students who are under 18 years of age must have a work permit before they can be employed. No work permit shall be issued to any minor under the age of 14. Working permits must be obtained through the Main Office. Students need to pick up and fill out a “Request For Work Permit” form and return it to the Main Office for processing. The school has the authority to determine whether or not the student shall be issued a work permit. The "best interest" of the minor is the determining factor.

Regulations Pertaining to Oral and Written Expression and Distribution of Printed Material:

  1. In accordance with the Bill of Rights, freedom of expression is protected in the Stockbridge Community Schools. Students may express their points of view provided they do not seek to coerce others to join in their mode of expression and that they do not otherwise intrude upon the rights of others during school hours.
  2. Literature, buttons or other insignia may not be distributed or displayed if the message is intended to mock, ridicule or otherwise deliberately demean or provoke others because of race, religion, national origin or individual views.
  3. No student may pass out buttons or other literature during regular school hours.
  4. Students distributing buttons or other literature before or after regular school hours will be responsible for removing litter that may result from their activities.
  5. Failure to observe these rules can result in confiscation of the material, curtailment of the privilege, or when necessary, disciplinary action, including suspension.

Class Funds

All class funds are under the supervision of the Board of Education. Monies will be received and spent according to procedures established by the school administration. After a class has graduated, the class account for unspent funds will be closed and the remaining money transferred to the School Improvement Fund.

Class Organization

Each of the classes at Stockbridge High School has a class council. Membership in class council is voluntary. Freshman class officer elections are held at the middle school in the spring. Sophomore, Junior and Senior class officer elections are held in the spring. Important class issues and activities are discussed at council meetings and members present report to their classmates about these matters.

Class Rings

The purchase of a class ring is entirely an optional choice of the student and his family. The selection of a representative company is offered only as a service to those who choose to exercise this option. The school is mindful of the budgetary concerns which many families experience. A class ring is neither required nor necessary for school participation.


Clubs are most frequently the outgrowth of regular classroom programs or courses. With regard to membership, they shall be in accord with state school laws and shall be authorized only when competent adult leadership is available for their supervision. The initiation of such clubs may be approved by the administration except in those cases in which financial consideration outside the usual budgetary provisions shall be involved. The administration will be involved in any decision relative to the initiation of new activities of this type.

School clubs shall be considered to be part of the school program and as such, are subject to all the policies and regulations of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of schools. In brief, they are subject to the same standards as the curriculum itself with respect to such 61 matters as physical safety, education or cultural value, and intellectual honesty. A critical examination and balanced presentation of differing views on controversial issues are encouraged in club activities.

Only those students regularly enrolled in Stockbridge Community Schools may be accepted as members of a school club. No school club shall have direct affiliation with a group or organization outside the school without prior approval of the Superintendent. Any club which, in the opinion of the building administration, fails to meet acceptable standards shall be placed on probation and informed as to the cause. Failure to correct the cause shall result in termination of the organization.

Philosophy And Goals Of Extracurricular Programs

Interscholastic extracurricular offerings at Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School are an integral part of the total educational program. Extra-curricular programs teach skills; foster opportunities for self-expression, development, and recreation; build ties to the community; and enrich the educational experience. As valuable as extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are to students, academic instruction is even more important and must be a top priority of our school. The objectives of the co-curricular program are:

  1. To encourage maximum participation of students in all sports and activities sponsored.
  2. To encourage students to always display good sportsmanship.
  3. To instill the desire to prepare for success.
  4. To encourage participants to react in a positive manner both in victory and defeat.
  5. To encourage participants to learn the values of responsibility, dedication, loyalty, teamwork, desire, humility, confidence and other desirable traits of good character and citizenship.
  6. To encourage participants to attempt to influence younger students in the community in a positive manner.
  7. To assist participants in learning to set and achieve goals and in building self-esteem.
  8. To instill the values of good health, physical, and mental fitness and self-discipline.

Fraternities, Sororities, And Secret Societies

In accordance with sec, 519, par. 304.921 of the General School Laws for the State of Michigan: "It shall be unlawful for any pupil of the elementary school and the highschool of the public schools or any other public school of the state comprising of all of the 12 grades in any manner to organize, join or belong to any high school fraternity, sorority or any other secret society."

National Honor Society

The Stockbridge High School chapter of the National Honor Society was formed to acknowledge those students who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship, leadership, citizenship and service to their school.

A. Selection Procedures For Membership

  1. The National Honor Society advisor shall type a list of those juniors who have a grade point average of 3.25 or better based on four semesters and those seniors who were 62 ineligible as juniors but who now have a GPA of 3.25 or better based on six semesters.
  2. Eligible students should be made aware of the citizenship and service requirements necessary to maintain membership.
  3. Those students will be given an activity form to complete and return to the NHS advisor. This form will be presented to the Faculty Advisory Committee. The members of this committee will determine if the following criteria for membership is met:

SCHOLARSHIP Maintain a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.

LEADERSHIP Demonstrate leadership as exhibited by participation in class activities; demonstrate active participation in school activities; demonstrate active participation in community activities.

SERVICE Participation in 15 hours of community service is a requirement of all students who are members of the National Honor Society - to be completed each year of their respective membership.

CHARACTER The following six criteria need to be met by each inductee:

  • Is respectful of self and others; is cooperative in and out of the classroom.
  • Is generally honest and truthful; is responsible and reliable.
  • Is courteous, friendly, helpful and giving; has a positive attitude; shows concern for others.
  • Has not been involved in serious incidents outside school (vandalism, theft, etc.).
  • Has a sense of values; knows the difference between right and wrong.
  • Abides by the school rules and regulations in accordance with the Student Handbook.
  1. The members of the Faculty Advisory committee will then discuss each case and determine whether the student shall be declared ineligible for failure to meet citizenship criteria listed above.
  2. If a student is declared ineligible by the Faculty Advisory Committee, a member of the committee will meet with the student and explain why he/she is ineligible. Each student will be met with separately.
  3. The advisor will post the final list of eligible students in the office window and announce to the student body that they should check the list to see if any names have been omitted. The names of students that have been deemed ineligible should not appear on the list.

B. Dismissal Procedures

The selection of members to the Stockbridge Chapter of the National Honor Society is based on GPA and citizenship as defined. Continuing membership is contingent upon maintaining those standards upon which selection was based and participation in service activities. Dismissal may occur for failure to meet the standards in any of three areas: scholarship, service and character. The dismissal procedure in each of the areas shall be as follows:

  1. SCHOLARSHIP--The advisor shall check the cumulative GPAs of newly inducted members each semester following the induction. Any member who falls below the minimum GPA (3.25) shall be promptly warned. If during the next regular semester of the school the member fails to raise their GPA up to the standards of the society, the member shall be dismissed. A member will be allowed only one warning period. Once a member is dismissed, he/she is never again eligible for membership in the National Honor Society.
  2. SERVICE--Any member who falls below the standards of the National Honor Society by failing to participate in service activities shall be promptly warned. If during the next regular marking period of the school, the member again fails to meet the service standards for continuing membership in the society, their case shall be passed on to the faculty committee. The majority vote of the faculty committee shall prevail. A member will be allowed only one warning period. Once a member is dismissed, he/she is never again eligible for membership in the National Honor Society.
  3. CHARACTER--Any member who falls below the standards of the National Honor Society by failing to meet the criteria for good character shall be warned that their case is being considered by the Faculty Advisory Committee. Any Group II or III violations will be cause for the Faculty Advisory Committee to convene. The majority vote of the faculty committee shall prevail. Once a member is dismissed, he/she is never again eligible for membership in the National Honor Society.


Posters for any type of advertising or announcement purpose must be approved by the administration. Posters may be hung only in designated areas.

Student Government

The Student Government is a representative governing organization for the entire student body. The Student Government operates to help students in all possible ways, to promote high scholastic standards, to help develop school pride, to act as a liaison between the student body and administration, and to establish a smooth functioning school organization. Some important functions of Student Government include approving new organizations, helping formulate school rules and policies, organizing Homecoming, and sanctioning special activities for the school calendar.

Yearbook Pictures

All students are encouraged to have their picture taken on picture day in the Fall to receive a 64 Student ID card which they will need throughout the school year, as well as have their picture appear in the annual High School Yearbook. Students are not required to purchase pictures to receive an ID card or appear in the Yearbook.

Student pictures and identifying names will be printed in the school annual and school newspaper and given to local news media on those occasions that warrant it. However, a student, or the parent of any student if that student has not reached the age of eighteen, may request that their picture not be published in the media or in the publications by making such request in writing to the Principal. This procedure is in accordance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This school policy does not cover those pictures taken by the news media of school events.

All Seniors will have their picture taken in February or March by the official School Photographer. Only those pictures will be used in the High School Yearbook and for the Class Composite wallboard. Pictures taken by private studios will not be used for the Yearbook and Class Composite.

Listing of Student Activities

Your experience in high school will be more fun if you include extra-curricular activities. These activities provide the opportunity to give service and to represent your school and community. They will allow you to make new friends and to develop your special interests and abilities. Begin early to take an active part and select a club or activity which interests you.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides parents, and students over 18 years of age, with certain rights regarding a student’s educational records as reflected in School Board Policy 8840. A copy of the School Board Policy 8840 may be obtained by contacting Karl Heidrich, Superintendent, Stockbridge Community Schools, 305 W. Elizabeth Street, Stockbridge, Michigan 49285. The rights under FERPA include the following:

  1. Your right to inspect your records within 45 days of your request, and to request interpretation of portions of records you do not understand, and to request copies of your records. Copies will be provided at no cost within five days.
  2. Your right to request amendment of records if you think portions of the records are inaccurate or misleading, and your right to a due process hearing.
  3. Your right to limit disclosure of educational records. Stockbridge Community Schools has determined that only information, such as that which normally appears in yearbooks and athletic programs, is to be made available as directory information. Directory information is student name, picture, grade level, academic awards, major field of study, school sponsored activities, address, and phone number. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to a school official if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility.
  4. Your right to know that the school official in charge of educational records is the principal of each school building as delegated by the Superintendent of Stockbridge Community Schools.
  5. Your right to protest if you think that the administrative procedures of Stockbridge Community Schools are not in compliance with the law by contacting: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20202-5920. 21

Prior to enrolling new students into the school district, proof of guardianship shall be established by means of previous school records, birth certificate or court records.

If no proof of guardianship is available or doubt exists, the matter shall be referred to probate court. Certified Stockbridge special education students transferring to another district within the Ingham Intermediate School District shall have their records sent upon notification from the receiving district. Any student who is subject to "Court Placement" under the auspices of a court of competent jurisdiction shall notify the administration of their status and of any status change.

Independent Studies

  1. Each student must obtain a contract from the guidance department to be filled out and signed by the student, teacher, and administrator. The student and teacher must develop a program of study he or she wishes to pursue prior to the application to the principal. Attach the program of study to the application. The program must include verifiable curricular objectives, projects and/or assessments that are assigned throughout the semester and then graded. The contract must be filed with the guidance department for credit to be granted.
  2. Each student will complete an application to be handed into the Principal before Friday at 3:00 of the first full week of the semester.
  3. Approved applications will be kept in the file in the guidance department. The teacher and the student will each receive a copy. No credit will be issued if an application is not on file.
  4. The class (taken on an individual basis) will be recorded on the report card and the student will receive a grade each 9 weeks just as in a regular class.

External Studies and Summer School

Occasionally, students will want to take classes off campus and use the credits towards the credits needed to graduate from Stockbridge High School. This is allowed if you follow this policy:

  1. Get written approval from the SHS guidance office and the high school Principal.
  2. You must provide the guidance office with an official copy of your final grade for the course.
  3. You can take classes only in these programs: a) Regular summer school programs offered by a public local school district in the area. b) An accredited college
  4. Any elective credit course can be taken as long as it is not an Adult Education enrichment class or leisure class.
  5. Required courses for graduation can only be taken during summer school if the student can verify that the number of hours (91) and the curriculum standards and benchmarks for the summer school class are equivalent to the standards adopted by the Stockbridge Board of Education for any of the required courses desired.
  6. No other sources of credit throughout the school year or summer will be recognized or accepted by Stockbridge High School other than the options expressly listed in the Student Handbook. 23
  7. A student who has lost their athletic eligibility due to two or more failed semester classes can restore their eligibility during the summer by enrolling in the failed class or classes in a registered summer school program offered by a local public school district. If the failed class is a required class for graduation, the student must meet all the criteria set forth in item #5 of this section. Also, a summer school grade may replace a failing grade for eligibility purposes only and will not be averaged into the student’s overall G.P.A. (See “Repeating A Course”).
  8. All summer school grades must be submitted to the Principal and Athletic Director prior to the start of practice dates per season as officially defined by the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA). Ineligible students will not be eligible for practice or athletic contests until summer school grades are averaged into the student’s eligibility G.P.A. All students must pass the summer school course to qualify for athletic eligibility.
  9. All summer school courses are only approved by the guidance department and the principal. Students that enroll in summer school programs do so at their own expense.
  10. All external studies and summer school courses completed will be graded on a Pass “P”/No Credit “NC” basis. Credit will be given for graduation purposes only and will not affect a student’s grade point average.

The Stockbridge School District recognizes, as one of its primary tasks, the education of students regarding the health and other hazards related to substance use and abuse. The District is committed to devoting resources to the effective education of students/staff so as to prevent the onset of substance abuse.

In situations where substance use, abuse and dependency emerge with students or staff, the District recognizes its responsibility to deal with the situation with firmness and compassion.

For the purpose of this policy, chemical dependency is defined as a disease in which a person's consumption of mood-altering chemicals repeatedly interferes with school performance and adversely affects health. Students or staff possessing, using, advocating or under the influence of mood or mind-altering chemicals or in possession of drug paraphernalia interferes with the school's responsibility of providing a safe and healthy learning/teaching environment.

Anyone on school grounds or at a school sponsored event, including transportation, exhibiting such behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline or action as specified below. The school district accepts its responsibility to advise, inform and assist students, families, staff and guests of issues involving chemical use, abuse and dependency and the consequences of violating related school policy. We recognize a dual responsibility to users and abusers to both discipline them when school policy has been violated and to assist them in obtaining professional assistance. As school funds are available, an aftercare program will be provided to students when they return to school from treatment. Regular communication and involvement with family is expected. Sharing of information with law enforcement authorities is required when the law has been broken.

The responsibility for a substance abuse program for students in the school setting is a shared one:

1. The Board of Education is responsible for reviewing and approving a substance abuse program that will provide prevention, education, intervention and support to the students/staff and families of this district. The board will also be responsible for reviewing the results of the implemented program on a periodic basis and providing funds as available.

2. The administration is responsible for ensuring that the adopted policy is offered throughout the school system.

3. A coordinator will be responsible for program development and for implementing the adopted policy and program as funding is available.

4. The parent(s) and community are responsible for learning about the substance abuse program and cooperating in its implementation.

5. The student/staff/parent is responsible for cooperating in the implementation of the school provided program, learning from it, and participating actively in its various components as necessary.


1. Chemical dependency is defined as, “a person’s consumption of mood-altering chemicals (drug and alcohol) which repeatedly interferes with performance and adversely affects health”.

2. A sequential curriculum stressing preventative substance abuse education for all grade levels shall be made part of the district’s health curriculum.

3. All teachers, administrators and support staff shall be offered training in school policy, recognition of symptoms of substance use/abuse and referral resources and methods.

4. Provision for appropriate referral shall follow identification of such behavior. In no case should school personnel make any diagnosis or suggest that they are doing so. Emphasis will be on documenting and reporting observed behaviors.

5. Mood-altering chemicals are not permitted on school premises or at any school sponsored function. Possession of illegal drugs or their look-alikes or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. School personnel are required to report any witnessed infraction or 59 suspected drug activities to the substance abuse coordinator and Principal.

6. All involved personnel will respect the confidentiality of others as defined by the Mental Health Code of the State of Michigan and the Federal Rules regarding confidentiality, Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part II.

7. The school shall cooperate in whatever way necessary, while the student is in treatment to make the experience positive and assure a successful transition back into school.

8. Prescription drugs, legally prescribed by a physician, may be exempt.

Student Code of Conduct

When a student is found in violation of the substance abuse policy it is our goal to help change the behavior, restore the relationships and get the student back to the educational process.

  1. The first violation of the Student Code of Conduct for the possession, use of, or being under the influence of a prohibited substance shall be handled as follows:
    1. An administrative inquiry shall be conducted.
    2. The civil authorities may be contacted.
    3. The student shall be suspended for violation of the substance abuse policy.
    4. Student will take part in a school based counseling program.
  2. Students seeking help through self-referral shall be given referral and support services with no jeopardy of suspension or loss of co-curricular activities.
  3. Suspicion of use which is accompanied by behavioral data such as smell, slurred speech , instability or other behaviors , shall be treated as being under the influence or being in possession of prohibited substances and will require the student to go through the same procedures outlined in A.
  4. Selling, delivering or dispensing illegal and/or unauthorized mood-altering chemicals (drugs and alcohol) result in recommendation for expulsion and referral to civil authorities.

Appeal Process

Students and parents have the right to appeal teaching and administrative decisions when they have good reason to believe that such decisions are unjust and not in the best interest of public education. The following is the appropriate sequence on contacts to be followed when appealing a decision:

First level = Teacher

Second Level = Assistant Principal

Third level = Principal

Fourth level = Superintendent

Fifth level = Board of Education

The appeal process for short- or long-term suspensions has been more precisely outlined. The Board of Education adopted the procedure August 11, 1980.

The function of the appeal authority is to determine whether the action taken was reasonable and fair on the basis of the information presented. Due process includes the right to be heard, to face the accuser before any punitive action is taken on the basis of that testimony, and the right to be represented in the appeal process by parents, guardian, or legal counsel.

Annual notice, informing parents and students of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and Sections 121a.560 through 121a.576 of the Education of the Handicapped Act -Part B, will be provided through the school newsletter, handbook or fall report cards. In addition, policy and regulations are available in each school and the Superintendent's office. (Attachment A) Attempts will be made to notify parents in their native language.  

If a student plans to transfer to another school or to withdraw from school, he should:

  1. Secure an official withdrawal slip at the main office. A confirming telephone call will be made to parents.
  2. Present this withdrawal slip to each of their teachers to obtain a grade inclusive of one for that day.
  3. Return books and materials which belong to the school to the appropriate teachers.
  4. Leave the withdrawal form in the front office.

The library offers to all students a wide selection of hard copy and electronic materials for learning, for enrichment, and for leisure. The library has books, eBooks, audiobooks, databases, magazines, newspapers, calculators, voice recorders, camcorders, and many other electronic resources and equipment. The library is open for student use from 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students may use the library before and after school, during lunch, and during the school day with passes from teachers. The Library/Research webpage is available 24/7 from home or through any Internet connection anywhere. All electronic resources are available on this page. To check out eBooks, use the SHS building network login information. Passwords for the databases are available on the SHS Library bookmarks, which can be picked up at school. Library staff is available to help students at all times. If you cannot find what you need, ask the Librarian for help.areell materials are available for checkout and are renewable. Overdue reminder notices are distributed twice every semester. Students should contact the librarian if there are any questions about overdue materials. Fines are not charged for overdue materials. Fees are charged for damaged or lost materials.

The office telephone may be used by students for school business only.

According to state requirements, each local school district pays the cost for providing textbooks to students on a loan basis. Students are expected to exercise reasonable care for Board of Education property and to return these materials to the classroom teacher at the close of the school year, or at the time of dropping from a course. Anytime material is not returned in acceptable condition, the student is responsible for its replacement cost.

A student who fails to return their textbook or produce a receipt for verification of payment will receive a grade of "I" or Incomplete until such time that a conference may be arranged with the student, parent and administrator. Failure to return texts or pay fines will result in holding a student’s report card and records until the account is settled.

Parents or students who have questions regarding the return of textbooks are encouraged to call the high school office, )517) 851-7770.

The right to petition is guaranteed by the Constitution. Students are allowed to present petitions to the administration at any time. Assuming that the petition is free of obscenities, libelous statements, personal attacks, and is within the bounds of reasonable conduct, no student will be subject to disciplinary measures of any nature for signing a petition addressed to the administration. The collecting of signatures on petitions should be limited to time before and after school hours or between classes.

Behavior Standards 

Students are expected to demonstrate acceptable standards of behavior. In order for a school to carry out its purpose and function, it is necessary for students to exhibit courtesy in their relationships with fellow students, staff members, other school employees and members of the community.

Any behavior which is disruptive to the school or threatens the safety and well being of others cannot be tolerated. Such obvious actions as fighting on the school grounds and the use of profanity or vulgar behavior are unacceptable. Public display of affection is also inappropriate.

Where responsibility for vandalism and malicious destruction of property can be established, students and their parents will be held financially accountable.

Students are encouraged to keep school property and grounds clean at all times.

During the lunch hour, no student is permitted to leave the school grounds. Students are to remain in school from the time they arrive until dismissal.

Possession or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by Board Policy at any school function and on school property. This also includes school-sponsored activities which occur away from the premises.

Students who possess drugs or drug paraphernalia and use or sell illicit substances in school or on school property, risk suspension and possible expulsion from school. School administrators are obliged to cooperate with civil authorities and report violations of the law that occur in the school setting and exercise all measures possible to discourage those illegal actions which infringe upon the safety, welfare, and rights of other students and staff members. Where appropriate and applicable, the prosecution will occur in the enforcement of current state laws.


Students may be kept after school as a disciplinary measure at the discretion of the teachers or administration. Families will be contacted to schedule an after-school detention and make arrangements for transportation if this should be necessary. Detention will be assigned after school from 2:25-3:25.

Skipping a detention will result in an In-School Suspension. Skipping an In-School Suspension will result in a day of Out-of-School Suspension the following Monday.

The following rules are to be adhered to at all times in detention:

1. Students are responsible for locating the detention room for that day.

2. The student must bring related materials to work on - not admitted without materials.

3. Students must sit in assigned seats.

4. No eating, drinking, sleeping or listening to headphones in detention.

5. No talking or disruption of any kind.

6. Students must be on time - door will be closed and no admittance after 2:30 p.m.

7. No Passes Will Be Issued

Students may be turned away or sent out for non-compliance which will result in two (2) detentions. Any student found not observing these rules or being disruptive in any manner will face additional disciplinary action. No excuse will exempt a student from detention unless given to the office by the parent prior to the date of the in-house detention. Acceptable excuses are the same as for regular days of school.

Failure to appear for detention will result in accelerated disciplinary action.  

Suspension From School

When a student engages in unacceptable behavior or violates school regulations, they may be subject to suspension from school. When this becomes necessary, the school administrator will provide oral and written notice of the charges against the student, and if the student denies the charges, an explanation will be offered of the evidence which supports the suspension. The student will be given an opportunity to present their side of the story. A delay between the time "notice" is given and the time of the hearing is not essential. Discussion may occur within minutes after the misconduct has occurred.

If the student is suspended by a school administrator, the administrator will:

  1. Notify parents as soon as possible of the suspension, the reasons for it and the steps necessary for the student to return to school.
  2. Meet with the parents or guardian and the student to plan the satisfactory return of the student to the school setting.

If the parents or guardian are dissatisfied with this action they may appeal to the Principal/ Superintendent review the decision.

In the case where the presence of the student poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an on-going threat of disruption to the academic process, that person or persons may be immediately removed from school. In such cases a notice of charges and a hearing will follow as soon as practical.

During any suspension, the student will not be permitted in any school building or admitted to any school function. School-related activities include Career Center, Skills Center, Vocational Programs, and Cooperative Educational Training. Absence resulting from suspension will be recorded as unexcused.

A student may be placed on Social Probation for improper conduct at school or school-related events. Social probation would cause the student to lose the privilege of attending school events such as, but are limited to, athletic events and dances. The building administrators will set the length of a student’s social probation. Students may also be placed on social probation for repeated violations of the student handbook rules.

Note: Restorative practices may be offered for athletic suspensions

Athletic suspension may be reduced when the following three conditions are met:

  1. Completion of required learning modules relevant to the offense
  2. Ten hours of community service documented.
  3. Evidence of counseling relevant to the offense

In-School Suspension

The Responsible Thinking Room (RTR) is central to Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School discipline. The (RTR) is an effective way for reducing disruption while enhancing the student’s ability to resolve problems through the creation of effective plans. These plans are primarily written by the student and negotiated with the staff member in charge of the area where the student was disruptive before the student returns to that area.

  1. May be provided for students who have chronic behavior problems.
  2. The administrator will notify classroom teachers and the student is responsible for gathering his textbooks from their locker and their assignments from the office the morning of the in-school suspension.
  3. The student is responsible for being on time for the in-school suspension.
  4. Two 5-minute breaks will be provided. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  5. Each student is expected to remain quiet during the day and follow the classroom rules.
  6. All assigned work from the general education teachers is due the day following the completion of the in-school suspension.
  7. Additional days of in-school suspension may be assigned if the student does not follow the in-school suspension rules.

Request For a Hearing

  1. The request for a hearing must be in writing and received by the Superintendent’s Office within five (5) days following receipt of the decision of the Hearing Officer (Hearing Panel).
  2. Upon receipt of a timely appeal and acceptance for a hearing, the Superintendent’s Office will notify the guardian or parent and the student of the date, time, and location of the hearing before the Board of Education and the procedures to be followed in the Board meeting.
  3. Upon receipt of the appeal, the superintendent will decide, based on the record before the hearing officer (hearing panel), whether the student will remain suspended until the board of education decision.

  4. The Superintendent’s decision concerning continued suspension will be based upon his reasonable belief that the record establishes the student to be a danger to himself or herself, to other students, school administrators or the educational process of the student’s school.

Group I Violations 

Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School’s conduct rules reflect a progressive discipline policy. Students who have Group I Violations will normally follow:

1st Offense: 1 hour detention after school

2nd Offense: 2-3 hours detention after school

3rd Offense: In-School Suspension (ISS)

4th Offense: 2 days of In-School Suspension (ISS)

5th Offense: 1 day of Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) Subsequent violations will be dealt with on an individual basis. Extreme violations could result in a Group II or III consequence. A restorative practice may be applied and privileges may be removed.


Skipping a class, that is, leaving or not going to a class without permission is a Group I Violation but may be subjected to accelerated discipline.


For safety reasons, glass bottles are not permitted anywhere on school property. Students are expected to comply with individual teacher’s rules regarding the ability to have or not to have beverages in the classroom.


Gambling is against the law and the school policy. Gambling in any form is a Group I Violation.

Hall Lockers

Each student is provided a locker and is responsible for individual use. Lockers are not to be shared. The student is responsible for keeping the combination confidential. Sharing a locker is a Group 1 violation. Parents will be billed for cleaning and repair for any damage to lockers.

Leaving the School Building

If it becomes necessary to leave the school building during the day, you are required to “check out” at the Attendance Office. If you leave the building without permission at any time, for any reason, you have committed a Group I Violation. REMINDER: The parking lot is off limits. Students who leave the school property while waiting for busses after school will not be allowed to return and ride a bus without the permission of administration or staff.


Profanity and obscene gestures are unacceptable. It is important that language use in school be in good taste. Inappropriate language in the school setting will result in a Group I Violation.

Personal Music Players

Personal music players are not to disrupt the learning environment or interfere with instruction. These items are valuable and vulnerable to loss or theft. A student who brings them to school does so at their own risk, with the understanding that they are responsible for using these devices at appropriate times, and with appropriate permission.

In an Unauthorized Place

Students found in an unauthorized place, such as being outdoors during class time, in the lavatory stall with one or more other students, in the lavatory without a pass, or in the hall without a pass, have committed a Group I Violation.

Inappropriate Behavior in Class

Students are violating this rule for misbehavior similar to but not limited to the offenses listed here: repeatedly sleeping, excessively talking out of turn, writing notes to friends, engaging in “horseplay” or other possible dangerous pranks with other students.


Defiance/ or “back-talk” is the initial refusal to comply with a reasonable request made by a staff member. If a student refuses to comply with a reasonable request made by a staff member in a timely fashion, then it will be considered Insubordination, a Group II violation.

Mean Behavior or Teasing

Students who purposefully say or do something to put someone down, hurt them, or depreciate them are in violation of appropriate behavior in a school setting.

Cell Phone Use in a Classroom

The use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device is a privilege and not a right. A cell phone is not to be used in a classroom unless the teacher and/or administrator permission is granted to use the device for educational or medical purposes.

Group II Violations

1st Offense: Up to two (2) day suspension out-of-school with parent conference or contact required.

2nd Offense: Four (4) days suspension with parent conference required.

3rd Offense: Ten (10) day suspension and possible hearing for expulsion .


Cheating in class, on school assignments including plagiarism, is a crime as serious as stealing and is a Group II Violation.

1. In all cases of cheating, a student will receive a zero or failing grade on the assignment or test.

2. Teachers will write detentions for cheating on homework assignments, quizzes, labs, exercises, etc. if the incident is a first offense. A second offense will result in a two day suspension.

3. Cheating on a test, theft of a test or answer key, plagiarism and other acts of cheating of equal significance are punishable by a two day suspension from school.

Disruption of School

A student shall not by any type of conduct (violence, force, noise, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, etc.) intentionally cause the disruption, or obstruction of any function of the school nor shall he engage in such conduct if such disruption or obstruction is reasonably likely to result.

Electronic Devices (Cell Phone)

Use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device is a privilege and not a right. Students may possess electronic devices including phone, iPod/iPad, laptop, or other electronic communication devices (ECD) during regular school hours. Devices may be used in the following manner:

  • Use of devices shall be limited to the period before classes begin in the morning, in between classes, during the student’s lunch period, and after the student’s last 52 class in the afternoon, unless teacher and/or administrator permission is granted to use the device for educational or medical purposes.
  • Cell phones or ECDs may not be used on the school premises including, but not limited to, locker rooms, bathrooms or dressing rooms whether here or at another school district where a school activity or athletic event is taking place. This includes the use of picture/photographic features available with some models.
  • Students must set their ringers to silent or vibrate. Volume on speakers must be muted while in the building or on school transportation, unless headphones are used or if sound is necessary and approved by a teacher or administrator for educational purposes (i.e. presentation). During quizzes, tests and other assessments, students will power off electronic communication devices.
  • Students may not use any electronic communications device to send or receive personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on quizzes, tests or other assessments.
  • Students may not use a cell phone or electronic communication device to take pictures or videos of other students or staff in educational settings without prior permission of the Principal. This includes pictures that are not saved to the phone used in instantaneous communication programs (Instagram, snapchat, etc.)
  • Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School is not responsible for the loss, theft, damage, or vandalism to a student’s cell phone or ECD. Students are strongly encouraged not to leave them unattended or unsecure.

In addition to Group II consequences, devices operated in violation of this rule, or for any illegal purpose shall be confiscated, and not returned until, when appropriate, a parent(s)/guardian(s) conference has been held.


Students have an obligation to comply with reasonable requests from staff members. Any student behavior, including rudeness, disrespect and lying, which undermines the authority of a staff member in the conduct of a high school function will not be tolerated and may result in suspension from school.


Students who are under temporary suspension are not allowed in any school building, on school property, nor admitted to any school function.

Snowball Throwing

Many people have experienced loss of vision and other serious eye injuries from “innocently” thrown snowballs. Much expensive damage to school property such as broken windows have also been related to this practice. The throwing of snowballs in a public school setting is so 53 dangerous as to warrant suspension from school for those who disregard the welfare and safety of others.

Misuse of Computers or Other Electronic Devices

School computers are meant for education purposes only. Misuse of school computers goes against the Stockbridge Community Schools Acceptable Use Policy , which must be signed in order to use school computers. As such disciplinary action will be taken as well as the loss of technology privileges until parents have contacted the school.

Any items that are disruptive to the teacher and/or the educational process, such as but not limited to: laser pointers, remote controls, cameras (digital, video, cell phone), pagers, electronic marquees, etc., radio/cassettes/CD players, MP3 players, TV’s, stereos, etc., and any other such devices are not allowed in school at any time during the school day unless they serve as prearranged educational purpose with the teacher in the classroom. Personal items brought to school are not the responsibility of the school. (See “Electronic Devices” for guidance on disciplinary actions).

Group III Violations

Group III Violations are extremely serious violations of the Code of Conduct and could carry with them a 10 day suspension and/or a recommendation of expulsion. This is in addition to possible police action.

These violations may result in immediate removal from school grounds. Group III Violations are for misbehavior similar to and not limited to the offenses listed below.

A student shall not commit or participate in any conduct or act defined as a crime by state law or local ordinance while he is on the school grounds or off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event.


Use of prohibited substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs – referred to as ‘substance abuse’ is associated with a wide range of negative impacts on young people’s mental and physical health as well as on their wellbeing over the short and long term. Substance abuse has also proven to be linked with a number of negative education related consequences, including poor school engagement and performance, and school drop-out.

A student shall not manufacture, sell, possess, use or deliver any prohibited substance, of any kind, while on the school grounds or off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event. The penalty is a Group III Violation and the student will be dealt with under the Substance Abuse Policy.

Stockbridge Community Schools and the Ingham County Sheriff Department in keeping with the Drug Free School Zone, will conduct random drug searches on school premises using trained dogs. Those in possession of illegal or prohibited substances located on their person, vehicles in school lots or in assigned lockers will be referred to civil authorities for prosecution to the full extent of the law. Stockbridge School District student code of conduct violations will result in additional penalties up to and including permanent expulsion from school.

Assault on Another Person

The Board shall permanently expel a student if the student commits a physical assault, as defined by MCL 380.1311 A (12) (B), against a district employee or against a person engaged as a volunteer, as defined by Board policy, or contractor for the district on school property, on a school bus or other related vehicle, or at a school-sponsored activity or event.

Verbal Assault

Any student who commits a verbal assault on school property, on a school bus or other school related vehicle, or at a school-sponsored activity or event against a district employee or against a person engaged as a volunteer, as defined by Board policy, or contractor for the district shall be expelled by the Board for up to 180 days. The Board may modify the expulsion period on a case-by-case basis.

For the purpose of this policy, “verbal assault” shall be defined as any willful verbal threat to inflict injury upon another person, under such circumstances which create a reasonable fear of imminent injury, coupled with an apparent ability to inflict injury.

Physical Assaults Committed Against Other Students

The Board shall expel a student for up to 180 days if the student commits physical assault, as defined by MCL 380.1310 (3) (B) 1, against another student property, on a school bus or other related vehicle, or at a school-sponsored activity or event. The Board may modify the expulsion period on a case-by-case basis.

Damage or Destruction of Private Property

A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause damage to property of the school or of other persons at school or a school-sponsored event or activity off school grounds. Damage caused to school property will be paid for by the student and/or their parents at the current cost of replacement.


Extortion, blackmail or coercion are Group III Violations.

False Alarm

Any student who falsely sets off a fire alarm will be suspended from school. A full report will be made to the fire Marshall and the Police Department for prosecution as a violation of the state code.

Fighting/Verbal Altercation

Students involved in fights in school will be suspended and parents contacted before re-entry is granted.


For the safety of others, any student who uses fireworks, smoke bombs, or other incendiary devices will be suspended. A full report will be made to the Fire Marshall and the Police Department for prosecution. Any damage or destruction of property must result in replacement or repair of the property or payment for the damages by the student or his parents.


No student will falsify or misrepresent their identity on any school paper or documents no matter whom they belong to.

Indecent Exposure

Any student who engages in exposing themselves in any manner is breaking the law in the State of Michigan. Students have an obligation to uphold decent moral values while at Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School and such violations will not be tolerated in any way.


Any student who threatens, teases beyond reasonable limits or intimidates a student, teacher or staff member has committed a Group III Violation.

Persistent Violation of Buildings Rules and Regulations

A student shall not commit or participate in any conduct or act prohibited by school building rules and regulations. Penalty for persistent violation is a Group III Violation.


Any harassment of a student or staff member by another student, which takes place on school grounds, is contrary to the Board of Education’s commitment to provide a physically and psychologically safe environment for our students to learn in. Harassment can take two forms both are defined below:

Sexual Harassment: Any unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper contact or sexual remarks will be considered harassment and is strictly prohibited.

Harassment: Any unwelcome speech or action that creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive learning environment. Any form of racial, ethnic, or verbal or physical harassment is strictly prohibited.

Any incident of harassing behavior should be reported immediately to the building administration. All reports will be investigated and proper disciplinary measures may be taken against the harassing student up to and including suspension from school.


Bullying can take many forms and can be very subtle. Ultimately, it is bullying when someone hurts or scares another person repeatedly and over a period of time. Bullying may take the form of physical or verbal aggression or intimidation or social alienation. Bullying may take place in a face-to-face situation or through online social networking or through text messaging. Some examples of bullying include, but are not limited to:

  • Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically.
  • Threatening people
  • Excluding certain people out of a group
  • Deliberately making someone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed in a social situation.
  • Teasing people about personal things when it makes them feel uncomfortable.

Any incident of bullying behavior should be reported immediately to the building administration. All reports will be investigated and proper disciplinary measures may be taken against the bullying student up to and including suspension from school.

Smoking and the use of tobacco, e-cigarette, or vaporizer products

Board Policy states that the use of tobacco, e-cigarette or vaporizer products are prohibited from all district buildings at any time of the day. Students should realize that state law prohibits you from smoking or vaping. Also, smoking or vaping is hazardous to your health. Smoking or vaping is considered a Group III Violation. In addition, since state law considers this a criminal misdemeanor offense, violators may also be subject to a fine and proper law enforcement authorities may be contacted.

Adults are also cautioned that state law and board policy prohibits them from smoking in any school building, school grounds or facility at any time. Adults are subject to the same misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine up to $50.00 if found violating this law.

Stolen Goods/Theft

Larceny, burglary or possession of stolen goods valued over $100.00 is a Group III Violation with the probability of police action. A student shall not intentionally steal any object belonging to another student or staff member in school or at a school-sponsored activity or event. Larceny of goods valued at less than $100.00 will be treated as a Group II Violation with consequences that range from a Saturday Detention up to a two day suspension. Larceny of goods valued at more than $100.00 is a Group III Violation and could carry with it up to a 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion. This is in addition to possible police action and referral.

Throwing Food or Trays

Food or trays thrown in the cafeteria is behavior dangerous to others and is a Group III Violation.

Weapons and Any Dangerous Instruments

Any student found to be in possession of, handling, or transmission of any object that can be considered a weapon, (any knife, gun, tire iron, brass knuckles, chains, etc.) will be suspended or expelled. A knife of any size is considered a dangerous weapon by school authorities and should never be brought to school.

Under the Michigan Weapons Free Zone Act of 1997, any student found in possession of any weapon on school grounds will face possible expulsion from Stockbridge Schools as well as possibly face criminal charges. Weapons include any knife, or any firearm, including look-alikes.

School officials are not limited to the legal definition of a dangerous weapon (example 3” blade or longer) or firearm (look-alike) in their treatment of school related incidents, and they may go beyond the requirements of Public Act 211 in confiscation, disciplinary action and reporting to parents.

Safety Violation

Creating an unsafe environment for students or staff, examples include, but are not limited to unsafe actions in science labs, wood or metal shops or any class where safety caution is a normal procedure, false alarms, tampering with fire alarms, extinguishers, telephones or other safety devices, discharging of fire alarms, bomb threats, or possession of a weapon.

Parents are always welcome to visit. An appointment to confer with a teacher during a consultation period can be made by telephoning and leaving a message at the main office or in the teacher’s voice mail. See the directory at the end of the handbook for extension numbers. All visitors must report to the main office.

Students may not bring students from other schools or school-age young people to Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School as visitors when regular school is in session.

Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave the school and the school grounds.

Former students are encouraged to meet with teachers after the regular school day. Unplanned interruptions interfere with the teacher's responsibilities and the continuity of instruction.