Junior/Senior High Family Resources


Stockbridge Community Schools strives to be an exemplary learning community. We create the foundation of this community through meaningful relationships, relevant and rigorous learning, and effective communication. This mission will develop lifelong, confident learners, who have the resources necessary for success in a changing world. 


Stockbridge Community Schools will create a culture of high expectations for all students through rigor, relevance, and relationships.

Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School Mission Statement

Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School students will graduate with academic, social, and career-related skills necessary for making well-informed and balanced choices.  These skills will enable students to be successful in their post-graduate transitions as well as create a desire for lifelong learning.

Our Teachers Value

  • We value our students’ identities and diversity within our community and in our world. 
  • We value cross-curricular integration to promote relevance in student learning.
  • We value a curriculum that invites students to apply their skills and learning to a variety of situations.  
  • We value opportunities where students can make mistakes, recover, and show growth in their learning. 

Philosophy of Athletic Programs

The athletic program is an integral part of the extensive extracurricular activities offerings offered in the Stockbridge Community Schools. The athletic program offers young people a wide variety of opportunities to participate in interscholastic competitions. Athletics, like all other extracurricular activities, must fulfill its proper role in the total educational program. As with other parts of the district's educational program, athletics are governed by the policies of the Board of Education.

Consistent with the policies governing all district-sponsored activities, all students have an equal opportunity to compete for positions on athletic teams. It is the aim of the school to encourage all students who are interested and physically fit to try out for interscholastic athletic teams.

In order for an athletic code of conduct to be functional, it must, to a large extent, depend upon an honor system subscribed to by all parties of interest. When documentable and responsible evidence of infractions relating to the code is brought to the attention of school officials, it will be incumbent upon those persons to investigate the charges. Where these infractions are validated, the code will be implemented.

Dual Participation Policy


Every individual athlete is a member of a team. The team and its growth, development, and successes are of greater importance than that of an individual athlete, regardless of the individual’s skill or talents. Stockbridge teams will be best served by athletes who have a high level of commitment to developing excellence. There exist circumstances in which it may be in the best interest of both a particular team and an individual athlete to allow participation in more than one athletic team during a particular season. This would allow individual athletes an opportunity to excel in activities that will help both them and the others grow and develop physically, socially, and emotionally while at the same time, helping the overall growth, development, and success of the entire team.


A parent/guardian of a student who wishes to participate in two sports should request a meeting with the student, the coaches of both sports, and the athletic director before the start of the season to discuss these wishes and review the following guidelines:

Dual Sports Requirements

Step 1: Athlete must discuss and receive initial written approval from both coaches.

Step 2: Students must be in grade 10, 11 or 12

Step 3: Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5.

Step 4: Meeting between coaches, athlete and Athletic Director

  1. Students and coaches must agree on the primary sport.
  2. A competition in the primary sport will always take precedence over a competition in the non-primary sport.
  3. Outline a calendar of practice and competition schedule for the entire season.

Step 5: Athletic Director Final Written Approval

Any exceptions to the above 5 steps must be approved by the athletic director and high school principal.

If the athlete fails to comply with any of the agreed upon criteria, the athlete will no longer be eligible to participate in the secondary sport. In cases where an athlete wishing to participate in two sports in one season would displace single sport athletes, the coaches and athletic director will deny a dual sport request.

Dear Students, 

The Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School Staff welcomes you to the beginning of the 2022/2023 school year.  Stockbridge Junior/Senior High School has a fine academic and athletic tradition.  We ask that you do your best to make this your year of excellence.  Accept the challenge to continue the tradition and make 2022/2023 a school year that will be worthwhile and rewarding.

The Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook reflects the efforts of parents, teachers, students, the high school administration, and the board of education to provide discipline and policy guidelines for our school.  A handbook review was conducted over the summer and some changes have been made to clarify some policies and add policies where needed.

Read the handbook.  Whether you join the workforce or select a college for your future plans, all organizations have policies governing their members. Interpretation of the Student Code of Conduct will be made by the administration.  Disciplinary action will be based on working with each individual student and the nature of the offense.  Each case will be reviewed on its own merit and how it relates to the cumulative discipline record of the student.

The majority of students should be congratulated for their fine efforts last year and are encouraged to continue working toward their educational goals.  We will make every effort to identify our expectations, consistently administer policy, and be open to discuss your concerns.  If you have any questions throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to stop by the office.

Best wishes for a good 2022/2023 school year!

When you place your transcript Order

The “SEND NOW” option will deliver your current or most recent transcript available but if you choose “hold for gradesa 7th semester (mid year) or final (end of year with graduation date) transcript can be sent when ready for processing, typically the second week of February for mid year and by the third week in June for a final or end of year transcript.  Check out the How to Create a New Parchment Learner Account and How to Order Your Parchment Transcript tutorial videos for more information!

Graduating seniors

Please remember to place your final transcript order request before the end of July as a $4.15 fee will be charged for all alumni requests beginning on August 1.  Graduating seniors make sure you add a personal email address in your Parchment account profile so you can continue to use Parchment for all your future transcript needs.

Order Credentials from Parchment

Secondary Student and Staff Agreement

Electronic Information Access and Use For Educational Purposes Policy

Stockbridge Community Schools (SCS) encourage and strongly promote the use of electronic information technologies in educational endeavors. The District provides access to a variety of information resources for the development of information management skills. Together these allow learners to access current and relevant resources, provide the opportunity to communicate in a technologically rich environment and assist them in becoming responsible, self-directed, lifelong learners.

The District’s information technologies are the District’s property and are intended for use for educational purposes. Computer, electronic, and voicemail communications are District records. Communications sent and received through the District’s systems are District records and are the property of SCS. The District retains the right to access and review all electronic and voicemail communications, computer files, databases, and any other electronic transmissions and devices contained in or accessed by the District’s information technologies. SCS reserves and intends to exercise periodically the right to access, monitor, and disclose the use of the District’s systems and contents of communications sent or received over the District’s systems to determine whether there have been breaches of security, violations of policy, or other misuse.

The District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied for any reason regarding the availability of its information technologies, including but not limited to the loss of data. All District information technologies are provided on an “as is, as available” basis.

Each user is responsible for her/his use of technology, whether personal or District-provided. While using District and personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles, and at school-sponsored activities, at home, as well as using District technology resources off-campus, users must act in an appropriate manner consistent with school, District, and legal guidelines. It is the joint responsibility of school personnel and the parent or guardian of each student to educate the student about their responsibilities and to establish expectations when using technology.

Using the Internet and Information Resources

District technology resources are provided to users to conduct research, complete assignments, and communicate with others in furtherance of their education. The District's systems are not a public forum and access to technology is a privilege and not a right, extended to users to enhance learning and educational information exchange and to conduct educational business. As such, general rules of school behavior apply. Access to these services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Just as students are responsible for good behavior in a classroom or a school hallway, they must also be responsible when using school computer networks or personal technologies. Users must comply with District standards and honor this agreement to be permitted the use of technology.

All digital storage is District property, and as such, administrators will review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using technology responsibly. Users should not expect that any information contained on any District system, is confidential or private.

The educational value of technology integration in curriculum is substantial. Access to the Internet will enable users to use extensive online libraries and databases. Families should be warned that some material accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, profane, sexually oriented or potentially offensive to some people. While the intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, users may find ways to access these other materials as well. SCS does not condone or permit the use of this material and uses content filtering software to protect students to the extent possible. Parents and guardians must be aware that content filtering tools are not completely fail-safe and while at school, direct supervision by school personnel of each student using a computer is desired but not always possible, including personal devices with Internet connectivity. Users are expected to use technology resources in a manner consistent with the rules below and will be held responsible for their intentional misuse. SCS believes that the benefits of student access to the Internet in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and/or guardians are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using technology. If students accidentally access inappropriate material they should back out of that information at once and notify the supervising adult.

Proper and Acceptable Use of All Technology Resources

All District technology resources, including but not limited to District computers, communications systems and the Internet, must be used in support of education and academic research and must be used in a manner consistent with the educational mission and objectives of SCS.

Activities that are permitted and encouraged include:

  • school work;
  • original creation and presentation of academic work;
  • research on topics being studied in school;
  • research for opportunities outside of school related to community service, careers or further education.

Activities that are not permitted when using District or personal technologies include but are not limited to:

  • plagiarism or representing the work of others as one’s own;
  • using obscene language; harassing, insulting, ostracizing, or intimidating others;
  • representing Copyright ©, Registered ®, and/or Trademark ™ materials or any material taken from the Internet (i.e., artwork/photography) as one's own work without permission from the creator;
  • searching, viewing, communicating, publishing, downloading, storing, or retrieving materials that are not related to school work, community service, vocation, or further education (thus, searching inappropriate materials is not permitted);
  • damaging or modifying equipment/devices or networks;
  • intentional or neglectful transmission of viruses or other destructive computer files;
  • hacking into District or external computers/devices;
  • intentionally bypassing District filters;
  • installing VNC server or client software or password cracking utilities/devices;
  • use of USB, bootable CDs/media, or other devices/technologies to alter the function of a computer/device or a network, including remote access to devices;
  • connecting devices to District networks/resources, unless approved by technology staff
  • installing file-sharing clients/software, including downloading music, videos, pictures and any other copyrighted material
  • removing antivirus or spyware protection software;
  • subscription to any online services or ordering of any goods or services;
  • non-educational use of personal email accounts on the District network unless approved; (District-provided email accounts are available for staff and for students with approval.)
  • online sharing or web publishing of any student/staff name, home address, phone number or other personal information; including student’s last name, non-group photos or school work; (any website pages with SCS student information may use student's name, photo, or school work, together or separately)
  • online/web publishing of materials not related to curriculum, instruction, school-authorized activities, or general information that is not appropriate and of interest to students, parents, staff, community members, and the general public
  • non-educational uses such as games, role-playing multi-user environments, gambling, junk mail, chain mail, jokes or raffles;
  • participating in online chat rooms or forums or course discussions, instant messaging, or any social online resource or similar information resources unless specifically assigned by a teacher for educational purposes;
  • use of District resources for commercial purposes, personal financial gain, or fraud;
  • any activity that violates a school rule or a local, state, or Federal law.

Students are expected to report harassment, threats, hate speech, and inappropriate content to a teacher or administrator. If a student has any questions about whether a specific activity is permitted, he or she should ask a teacher or administrator.

Privacy and Security

Users must use District technologies responsibly and in a secure manner. They must not share their logins, passwords, or access with others.

Online Assessments

Student assessments may be conducted using technologies such as the Internet or audience response systems. Normally, students will use these technologies as a part of their instructional day. Privacy and security, as defined above, along with confidentiality of assessment responses, are expected.


 Any intentional act by a user that damages District technology hardware, software, operating systems, or data will be considered vandalism and will be subject to school rules and disciplinary procedures. Any intentional act that requires a person’s time to repair, replace, or perform corrective work on District technologies or data is also considered vandalism. Users who misuse the District’s systems, or knowingly allow others to do so, are subject to discipline and possible legal action and may be required to make full financial restitution to cover loss of staff time and/or equipment and/or legal expenses.

Consequences of Inappropriate Behavior

Misuse of personal or District technology resources while on or near school property, in school vehicles and at school-sponsored activities, as well as the use of District technology resources off-campus may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. This document shall be used in conjunction with SCS Board of Education and Student/Staff Handbook policies. In addition, the users’ use of District technologies may be suspended or restricted. A school may temporarily hold (pending parental or same-day pick up) personal technology resources that are used inappropriately. Individual schools may choose to have additional rules and regulations pertaining to the use of personal, networked, and communications resources in their respective buildings. Furthermore, intentional unauthorized access and/or damage to networks, servers, user accounts, passwords, or other District resources may be punishable under local, state, or Federal law.

Reliability and Limitation of Liability

SCS makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for the technology resources it provides to users. SCS will not be responsible for any damages suffered by the user, including those arising from non-deliveries, misdeliveries, service interruptions, unauthorized use, loss of data, and exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material or people. Use of any information obtained via the Internet or communications technologies is at the user’s own risk. SCS specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet. The student/user and student parent/ guardian will indemnify and hold SCS harmless from any losses sustained as a result of misuse of the District’s technology resources by the student/user.


Appeals to District information technologies and resources shall be made in writing and shall state the reasons for the appeal. A District appointed panel shall review the appeal and determine its appropriateness.

Contact Us

Junior/Senior High School

416 N. Clinton St.
Stockbridge, MI 49285
Phone: 517-851-7770
Fax: 517-851-9446

Derek Douglas
Assistant Principal
Benjamin Kruse
Athletics and Community Education Director